Tweets from the mountaintop
It's that time of year again - mid-winter and the school holidays for primary/secondary students have just ended meaning less people to crowd the mountain - time for another ski week! :D
Just like mentioned in last year's blog I set my out-of-office reply to something not-entirely professional (can't remember the exact words, but it had something like "...I'll revel in your e-mail love when I return" in it.), but unlike last year's blog I'll have a bit more skiing practice under my belt when I hit the slopes from Monday (provided the weather is good). I really enjoyed last year's ski trip, and I hope to repeat that wonderful time I had with this year's one.
What I don't want a repeat of however:
- Having the bus I took to get there hit a cow on the way up (we had to stop for another bus to come get us while we sat there in the dark with a blood-spattered and smashed bus. Sure the cow was much worse for wear (it died) but it was an inconvenience I think the passengers, the driver, and the cow could have done without)
- breaking my tailbone when I was learning to snowboard and not knowing it was broken for a month after coming back from the trip
For my friends and family, I'll do like I did last year and post daily injury stats to Twitter/Facebook. That way they'll know whether to have an ambulance waiting for me when I return.