Extended April Fools
While today is technically the 2nd of April in my timezone, it's only just begun to be the 1st of April on the Internet.
Every year, I tell myself to be wary of news posted on the 1st, taking everything that comes my way with a questionable look and a raised eyebrow, so that I won't be so easily fooled by jokes that, when played to a much younger version of myself, would have had me emotionally crash in disappointment after the initial excitement when I was being fooled.
And it's not only the 1st, but when you're roughly 20 hours ahead of where the majority of the Internet lives, then you gotta prepare yourself for a 2-day onslaught of 'creative journalism'.

Why is it I can get fooled so easily by the Internet when it's already full of pranksters desensitizing my funny bones with their remarks that are ever so full of wit and sarcasm?
I guess it's because, for these 2 days on the calendar, the news finally tells me what I want to hear.
Yes I want to hear about Obama abandoning companies like of AIG, yes I think it's awesome that StarCraft 2 will have a gigantic transforming robot, yes I would love to get double the bandwidth on my internet connection, and yes I would like bacon sauce with my fries thank you very much.
So slowly, April Fools is becoming more and more a day for me to dream on how much more awesome life could be.